The values of the practice-oriented higher education have been recognized in different countries, but the governments are still looking away.
With the education reform “Bologna process” of higher education from 1999, the “Academic System” was radically introduced and implemented. In most countries, practice-oriented higher education was abolished.
With the (finance-) economic crisis 2008, which caused a lot of rethinking, the practice-oriented higher education got slowly reintroduced in many European countries. Because the important element, the practice-oriented specialists, were missing everywhere.
The practice-oriented higher education, however, occurs differently in each individual country, the requirements, the access, the conclusion, everything is individual. This individuality makes it not easy to bring these conclusions to a single point and to ensure mobility.
In the individual countries, the “academic education” has enormous administrative facilities available, which ensure positioning and mobility. In practice-oriented education, this is left to the institutes and graduates.
Although the practice-oriented education has been reintroduced in many countries, it is virtually invisible, the mobilization of the graduates is still in its infancy. But, even smaller groups can join together to form something bigger and reach great.
EurEta – European Association of Practice-oriented Professionals with Higher Education – is the only way to bring transparency into the diversity of the degrees for practice-oriented higher education.