The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) is organising a webinar on the subject : ‘Making excellence inclusive: towards a new Cedefop survey of VET teachers and trainers’ The e-event will take place on 3 February 2021 from 09:00 to 13:00 CET. For information relating to participation please write to Mrs Psifidou:
Participants will include European policy-makers, social partners and invited experts.
Empirical evidence on teachers, learners and principals in VET as well as on in-company trainers are scarce in the EU. To close this gap, Cedefop launches a feasibility study for a survey on these target populations in initial vocational education and training (IVET) at ISCED level 3.
The webinar aims to:
- reflect on the added value and scope of a new European survey on VET principals, teachers, learners and in-company trainers;
- identify research and data gaps to support evidence-based policy making;
- seek for potential synergies with existing surveys for teachers and trainers.
Participants will discuss existing research and data gaps, as well as challenges that VET teachers and in-company trainers in Europe face in:
- promoting excellence in VET and preparing learners for professional and personal success;
- supporting learners at risk including marginalised learners and creating inclusive learning and working environments;
- working in digital environments also imposed by COVID-19 and making use of digital advancements (e.g. virtual reality, artificial intelligence, etc.) in teaching, learning and assessment processes.
Next steps
The conclusions of this webinar will support and feed into the feasibility study of a new Cedefop survey of VET principals, teachers, learners and in-company trainers.